Getting Started

In order to get Solstice up and running you’ll need a few things.


A Linux server or VM with NWN setup.


Install LuaRocks.

  • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install luarocks.

Install the required LuaRocks. Note that the following will require the ability to compile C files.

Install luafilesystem: sudo luarocks install luafilesystem

Install lualogging: sudo luarocks install lualogging

Install luadbi for your database (this is optional, if you don’t use the system.database):

  • MySQL: sudo luarocks install luadbi-mysql
  • Sqlite3: sudo luarocks install luadbi-sqlite3
  • PostgreSQL: sudo luarocks install luadbi-postgresql
  • lua-inih: sudo luarocks install inih


Download at install the NWNX plugins here: TODO


Download and install Solstice or clone git repository.

Lua Scripts

Create a directory for your Lua scripts in your NWN install directory. All the examples use lua.

Create your settings.lua, preload.lua, and constant.lua in your lua script directory. See the examples provided.