
The rules modules, imported globally as Rules, allows anyone who wishes to modify default behaviors to do so in a way that will be compatible with all other users. The only limitation is that the function signatures must remain the same.


Replacing a function.

-- In some file that you load from your preload file.

-- Suppose you think it more appropriate to change Epic Toughness feats to grant 40hp per feat.
-- We'll leave aside whether this is a good or bad idea.

local function GetMaxHitPoints(cre)
  local res = 0
  local not_pc = cre:GetIsAI()
  local level = cre:GetHitDice()
  if cre:GetHasFeat(FEAT_TOUGHNESS) then
    res = res + level

  res = res + math.max(0, cre:GetAbilityModifier(ABILITY_CONSTITUTION) * level)

  local pm = cre:GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_PALE_MASTER)
  local pmhp = 0
  if pm >= 5 then
    if pm >= 25 then
      pmhp = 18 + (math.floor(pm / 5) * 20)
    elseif pm >= 15 then
      pmhp = 18 + (math.floor(pm / 5) * 10)
    elseif pm >= 10 then
      pmhp = 18 + math.floor((pm - 10) / 5)
      pmhp = pm * 3
  res = res + pmhp

  local epictough = cre:GetHighestFeatInRange(FEAT_EPIC_TOUGHNESS_1, FEAT_EPIC_TOUGHNESS_10)
  if epictough ~= -1 then
    -- Changed 20 -> 40.
    local et = 40 * (epictough - FEAT_EPIC_TOUGHNESS_1 + 1)
    res = res + et

  -- Some of the underlying engine object is exposed here.
  -- It isn't necessary to understand this unless you have a reason
  -- to change it... and you probably shouldn't.
  if not_pc then
    res = res + cre.obj.obj.obj_hp_max
    local base = 0
    for i = 1, cre:GetHitDice() do
      base = base + cre:GetMaxHitPointsByLevel(i)
    res = res + base
    cre.obj.obj.obj_hp_max = res

  if res <= 0 then res = 1 end

  return res

-- Replace the global function and now anywhere in your code
-- or in the api that calls this function will call your
-- modified version.
Rules.GetMaxHitPoints = GetMaxHitPoints

Using overrides.

A number of functions provide explicit means of overriding behaviors. In those cases it’s not necessary to replace any functions. To see examples of those checkout the sections of the rules module.