Special Attacks


Table interface for special attacks. All fields are optional.


ab : function or int
Determines attack bonus modifier. If this field is a integer that value is returned for every special attack. If it is a function it must satisfy the same function signature as GetSpecialAttackModifier()
damage : function or DamageRoll
Determines damage modifier. If the value is a DamageRoll that value is returned for every special attack. If it is a function it must satisfy the same function signature as GetSpecialAttackDamage()
impact : function

Determines if a special attack is successful and optionally any effect(s) to be applied. The function, if any, must satisfy the same function signature as GetSpecialAttackImpact(). Its boolean return value indicates whether a special attack was successful or not, false or nil indicates the target has resisted the attack.

If no function is set, the special attack is always successful.

use : function
Determines if a special attack is useable. The function will be called with the following parameters: special attack type, attacker, target and it must return true or false. Note: the function is responsible for providing any feedback to the player.
GetSpecialAttackDamage(special_attack, info, attacker, target)

Determine special attack damage. Should only every be called from a combat engine.

  • special_attack (int) – SPECIAL_ATTACK_*
  • info – Attack ctype from combat engine.
  • attacker (Creature) – Attacking creature.
  • target (Creature) – Attacked creature.
Return type:


GetSpecialAttackImpact(special_attack, info, attacker, target)

Determine special attack effect. Should only every be called from a combat engine.


The boolean return value indicates whether the special attack was successful.

  • special_attack (int) – FEAT_* or SPECIAL_ATTACK_*
  • info – Attack ctype from combat engine.
  • attacker (Creature) – Attacking creature.
  • target (Creature) – Attacked creature.
Return type:

boolean and optionally an Effect or an array of Effect.

GetSpecialAttackModifier(special_attack, info, attacker, target)

Determine special attack bonus modifier. Should only every be called from a combat engine.

  • special_attack (int) – SPECIAL_ATTACK_*
  • info – Attack ctype from combat engine.
  • attacker (Creature) – Attacking creature.
  • target (Creature) – Attacked creature.
Return type:


RegisterSpecialAttack(special_attack, ...)

Register special attack handlers.

The vararg parameter(s) can be any usable feat, it is not limited to hard-coded special attacks. When a special attack is registered, a use feat event handler is also registered; it will handle adding the special attack action, will override any other uses of the feat, and any feedback messages like *Special Attack Resisted* floating strings.

  • special_attack – See the SpecialAttack interface.
  • ... – FEAT_* or SPECIAL_ATTACK_* constants.


local Eff = require 'solstice.effect'
local Attack = require 'solstice.attack'
local GetAttackRoll = Attack.GetAttackRoll

local function kd_use(id, attacker, target)
  if Rules.GetIsRangedWeapon(attacker:GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTHAND)) then
    if attacker:GetIsPC() then
      -- Normally for these hardcoded feats a localized string would be sent,
      -- but this is just an example.
      attacker:SendMessage("You can not use Knockdown with ranged weapons.")
    return false
  return true

local function kd_impact(id, info, attacker, target)
  local size_bonus = id == SPECIAL_ATTACK_KNOCKDOWN_IMPROVED and 1 or 0
  if target:GetSize() > attacker:GetSize() + size_bonus then return false end

  if GetAttackRoll(info) > target:GetSkillRank(SKILL_DISCIPLINE) then
     local eff = Eff.Knockdown()
     return true, eff

  return false

Rules.RegisterSpecialAttack({ use = kd_use, impact = kd_impact, ab = -4},